zaterdag 23 april 2016

At bay

Atlantis is deep
I’m more like Otis
Sitting on the dock
Come rain or shine
Smile or weep
See, that bay I relate to
Cause it’s broad like arms spread
Contains a lot and covers just as much
Not to hide it but to embrace it

I dance on tides
Sometimes play battleship
Hell, sometimes even pretend to be Ariel
When no one is looking
But know this
I’m like Otis
Watching the tide roll away
Taking in the scenery
Sometimes I waltz in estuaries
Mostly, just describe what I see

Going deep takes your breath away
You need to have a marine core
To take that in
Else, you’ll be like a wave
Swell at first
Then after a while surge
Ically removed
Sometimes I just zone out on sound waves
Watching watching watching

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